How do I return or exchange an order?

You can return or exchange your order by registering and shipping it to us. Please note: You can only register a return within 14 days of receiving the item. These are the steps your return goes through:

  1. Click here to start the return in your account.
  2. Schedule or drop off the package.
  3. We receive and check the return.
  4. After checking, we refund within 14 days. 

Read more about these steps below:

1. Register

You can easily return or exchange your items by clicking Request Return in your order account. Select your return reason and optionally leave feedback. Click 'Request return'. You will receive an email with return instructions once our team approves your return. 

NOTE: Do you want to exchange an item? Please leave a note below the return reason with the product you like to receive. Our team will reach out to you to confirm.

2. Schedule pickup or drop-off at UPS

Please ship your order back to us using the label we provide. The label will be attached to the email with return instructions. If you did not receive our return instructions and label within 5 working days after requesting the return, please reach out to our customer support team.

Please note that you have to prepare the bike for pickup, and schedule an appointment with UPS to have your bike picked up. Accessories can be dropped off at a UPS location nearby. 

3. Return received

Once we receive your return, we will do our best to process it within 48 hours. As soon as your return is processed, we'll email you a confirmation. 

4. Refund

The total refund amount will be credited back to you via the original payment method you used to place the initial order. Please bear in mind that we charge €150 for returning a bike. Returning an accessory is free. 

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