How do I cancel my order?

Are you looking to cancel your VanMoof order? We're here to help you through the process. Please follow these steps to initiate the cancellation:

  1. Contact Support

    Contact our support team here. In your message, provide your order number and a brief explanation of why you'd like to cancel your order.
  2. Await Confirmation

    Once we receive your cancellation request, our support team will look it over and confirm the cancellation with you via email.
  3. Refund Process

    We'll initiate the refund as soon as possible if your order is eligible for cancellation. Please note that the refunded amount may take some time to reflect in your account, depending on your bank's processing times and the payment method used for the original purchase. Generally, refunds are processed within 14 business days after the cancellation is confirmed.

* Your order can only be cancelled if it has not left our warehouse. Unfortunately, once it's in line to leave the warehouse, it can't be cancelled.


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